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Perception of Time

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By Trish Briggs

“Time is too slow for those who want, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoices, but for those who love, time is not.”

Henry VanDyke (poet)

Even though we know in our linear brains that 60 seconds is a minute all around the world and seconds are measured the same throughout, our sensation of time changes. Sometimes time goes by quickly and then other times it seems very slow.  Logically, time should always be the same, but why doesn’t it feel like it is?

What shifts is us and our sense of time, while the clock remains ticking at regular intervals.  Our "sense" of time changes for many different reasons. 

We sense time through the things happening, or more specifically our emotions when things are happening (as Henry VanDyke describes). I have also found that when I am mindfully in the present, time moves very slowly because I am consciously aware of every moment. When I am channeling creative energy, time shifts. Sometimes time seems to speed by and other times, it almost stands still as my mind moves at hyper-speed creatively connecting the dots.

Bottom line is we control our sense of time.

Einstein introduced the concept that space and time cannot be separated, and that time is not linear; the distinction between the past, present, and future is only an illusion. It is our brains in the three-dimension realm that use the linear concept of time, divide time into past, present, and future, to learn the fundamental principle that actions have consequences. If you review time linearly, you can see the connection between the action and consequences. Seeing this connection is necessary if you are going to take responsibility for your actions.

Moving beyond the linear perspective into quantum energy principles, we can quickly see that our actions affect much more then we realized. This nonlinear concept is called, the "energetic ripple effect." I see it as watching myself drop a pebble into water and watching the rings (consequences) ripple out in all directions from the point of origin (action- dropping pebble). The ripples show me the consequences of dropping the pebble and how far reaching they go energetically. From this perspective not only can I take responsibility but also accountability for my actions.

Einstein proposed that the choices we make today might change yesterday because time moves in two directions. Through my spiritual work I have come to understand that all times are happening simultaneously. Because of this understanding I would suggest that time moves in all directions like the ripples on the pond. I have encountered authors who call time a cosmic feedback loop where lessons of the present change the past and future. The world we see today is a result of everything we have learned. Interesting! Where does this leave us—right where we were before, we control our sense of time.

When I want to work energetically in the past, I speed up my sense of time. Likewise, when I want to work energetically in the future, I dramatically slow down my sense of time. I asked my daughter about how she perceives time when she is working in the past or future. She shared that she experiences the opposite; she felt one’s sense of time is dependent on the individual and which he/she is more proficient at, working in the past or the future. She feels more at ease working in the past, whereas, I feel more at ease working in the future.

One more thing that I want to share. Sometimes in our spiritual work, we feel like time is running backwards. This is bigger than the moment to moment feeling of time that I have been discussing. It involves how the day feels, what is happening during the day, and even our dreams at night. We have come to realize that when it feels like this, the spiritual is trying to catch up and align with the physical. Likewise, there are instances when we feel like the everything is moving forward quickly, and this is when the physical is trying to catch up to align with the spiritual.

Hopefully, I have given you some food for thought, and not confused you. Enjoy every second of your day, it belongs to you!



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