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Clarity Sucks! Part 2 of 4

By Patricia Briggs

Regardless of how I was feeling personally, I still had to take this European trip. I could not go into work and say, “I had a dream; cancel the trip!” At that time of my life, I didn’t have the courage or the belief in my own visions to do that. So I started feeling anxiety about the upcoming trip to Europe. Was my mother going to be here when I got back to the states?

After years of doing energy work, I now understand what happened energetically to me the day after having this vision. I saw something that I didn’t want to see and my response was to verbally say, "I no longer wanted to see." I thought I instructed my third eye not to have any more visions.

What I actually did was instruct my brain that I was not going to “see” the visions. My third eye was still functioning energetically but my mind was no longer going to acknowledge it. I had successfully disconnected my third eye energetically from my brain/mind.

I created an energetic block that would remain in place for years.

My mind/brain was protecting me from seeing things that threatened my sense of safety and/or would cause me anxiety (grief). For years I did not understand the significance of this day. I spent the next several decades trying to retrieve what I had thought lost, the ability to see, not understanding that I was the one that mentally shut it down in my grief. Only after many years of self-healing work did I trace back my lack of clarity in my visions to the trauma of that day.

What I had not understood in my twenties was that I was asking to see everything and this included even the things that I might find traumatic. I now know that if work has not been done to stabilize one’s lower chakras, then events like this in the third eye can cause great anxiety, as well as, undermine one’s root chakra or one’s foundation and sense of safety.

I had not done any work on my lower chakras prior to this. I didn’t even know what chakras were at the time. My third eye was just naturally open and functioning at a high level at birth. I was an indigo (third eye) child. In hindsight, I had asked to see without stabilizing the rest of my energetic body. If I had done so, then I would have more likely been able to handle the vision.

I now know that clarity should be sought slowly and gently.

Visions are a full chakra experience that end in the third eye. Your inner sight pulls together the vibrational energy from all your other chakras and draws it up to your third eye to create images that your brain can see and interpret. The healthier your lower chakras, the clearer your visions and the greater your ability to respond in a healthier way to the information conveyed in the vision.

Hindsight is everything; but in the moment I had to find the courage and strength to take the trip knowing that my mother was in the process of dying at home. I had a hint of the timing from my dream. What I wanted was to shift that timing so that I could take my trip and reunite with my mother afterwards, before she transitioned. All I had in my toolbox was prayer. So I began to pray with all my being, my heart and soul, for a miracle...

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